Synopsis Out of the destruction, chaos and trauma of the recent xenophobic violence a small group of Zimbabwean teachers tries to establish some structure and healing for the displaced children and for themselves. Their approach – the establishment of the
Written by Charles Munganasa, Solo na Mutsai tells the story of two village lovers who are granted university scholarships. At university the two are exposure to city life which comes with risk that might derail their dreams.
Robyn and Mercy, were poster children for the new Zimbabwe. Robyn was as pale-skinned as Mercy was dark, so the girls were a symbol that all was well in Zimbabwe.
What does a family do when a child starts hearing voices and acts strange? Filmmaker Lawrie Zidyana’s documentary looks back at how his family dealt with a mystery that dominated his life growing up in Zimbabwe.
Shuvai grows up in the care of her Uncle after her mother is chased away from her father’s villager. Years later Shuvai is grown up and ready to marry to her childhood sweetheart Moses. Then the problems started.
Thandi is a teenager, ready for anything and ripe for love. She's flirting with womanhood and the township beckons. As her life spins out of control, Thandi has to learn that playing with love may mean toying with her life.
While the surrounding hills in the Great Dyke region are scarred by years of heavy mining, there's a different kind of rock chipping going on at Zimbabwe's hidden sculpture community.
A country that was once the jewel of Africa but where the infrastructure is now in terminal collapse. Grace, Esther and Obert show us how they not only struggle to put food in their mouths but also desperately seek the